notifications Restricted Availability for bookings within the next 30 days. Call 1300 301 002.Call us on 1300 301 002 to check availability.

Comparing Rental Deals - 7 or 8 Seater Vehicles

If your car hire need runs to 6 seaters; 7 seaters or 8 seater people movers, just go to our Gold Coast Car Rental Companies links page and select the company that you wish to investigate and our hyperlink will take you directly to the selected website.

You will find that almost exclusively, the Multi- Seater rental choices are limited to 8 seater vehicles such as Toyota Tarago; Hyundai iMax or KIA Carnival – this is to widen the rental opportunities for each vehicle because 6 or 7 people can fit in an 8 seater, but 8 can’t fit in a 6 or 7 seater.

Again we stress the importance of intensely inspecting and querying the actual contractual rental terms and conditions of rental of any company that you consider renting a vehicle from. Rental terms and conditions are nowhere near a "standard" format and there are vast gulfs of difference between one company and another.

We have summarised a lot of these differences on our links page mentioned in the first paragraph above.

What we found about the pricing of 8 seater people movers (all companies have them, except one who only has 7 seaters):

For the first time, we have been relegated to 2nd place, our lowest price at $415.50 with a $375 insurance excess, is $5.50 more than the category price leader. Also for the 1st time, we have had to include 4th lowest price in the "vehicle only" rental section in order to show our ranking, but in every category, we clearly win the best value.

Details of search conducted 29th March 2018 for rental dates 1-8 May 2018.

Full package as specified

Lowest Price* $410.00 $500
Next Lowest Price
Family Car Rentals
$415.50 $375
3rd Lowest Price# $489.50 $350
Mid-point Price $817.00  
2nd Highest Price $1,434.73  
Highest Price $2,458.71  

* No terms & conditions or insurance details supplied
# No tyre, windscreen or accessory cover (incl. keys & remotes)

Excluding Car Seat & GPS

Lowest Price* $375.00 $500
Next Lowest Price
Family Car Rentals
$400.50 $375
3rd Lowest Price# $430.00 $350

* No terms & conditions or insurance details supplied
# No tyre, windscreen or accessory cover (incl. keys & remotes)

Excluding all options

Lowest Price* $303.60 $2,900
Next Lowest Price# $305.00 $2,900
3rd Lowest Price^ $330.00 $2,000
4th Lowest Price
Family Car Rentals
$351.00 $3,750

* No cover for Single Vehicle Incidents, Hail or Storm Damage
# No cover for damage to other people's vehicle or property
^ No cover for Hail or Storm, windscreens, tyres or accessories

In the first two categories, the cheapest price is from a company that does not provide any rental and insurance terms and conditions information whatsoever - they do not even provide you with any summarised information, meaning that you are "flying blind" if you choose to deal with them, unless you get the full contract before you are committed.

It is possible (but not probable) that their terms and conditions are reasonable, best to find out before, rather than after.

Although we did not provide the cheapest quote in any category, when you look at what you pay and what you get, Family Car Rentals clearly demonstrate our value superiority in all three package categories.

Family Car Rentals Reviewed on Google by 289 People. Rated 4.4/5

Burleigh Tourism FCA Gold Coast Central Chamber of Commerce
MTA Queensland Gold Coast Airport

Additional Information

Gold Coast Depot

Lowest price and fairest rental contract terms and conditions - both guaranteed!

Customer Reviews

Feedback from some of our loyal customers who have rented vehicles from Family Car Rentals.

Holiday Accessories

FREE child safety seats and other children's needs at heavily discounted prices, plus loads of extras that go to make your holiday complete.

Rental Fleet

Our Gold Coast rental car fleet is fully insured, fully serviced, clean and reliable - all of our rental cars are covered by independent 24hr roadside

Reliability and Confidence

Family Service, Family Integrity and Family Value

Family value and service
Our personal guarantee
Unequalled value with no surprises
Excellence of value to all our customers
Independent 24 hour roadside service
Flexible distance allowances
place1 Wheeler Crescent (Cnr Villiers Drive), Currumbin Waters, Queensland 4223
phone1300 301 002